Abstract (by the author)
In the monograph the results of my own many years experimental researches of the experienced time regularities, which take place in the psychics of the individuum, are presented.
The main measure of the experienced duration is the unit of the time that is given to each person
from the nature. It determines the temporal qualities of the person's psychics, its belonging to a topologic group, the subjective speed of the time flow and the type of the orientation in the temporal perspective. This time unit is an inborn constituent of the biological clock of the individuum and it allows us to build a cycloid model of the ultra-, circa- and infradian rhythms experiencing on the base of the transmission number. A great cycle of the vital activity is theoretically proved and practically checked and it accounts for the age based division
into periods exactly. The part of the phase singulation in the life of a personality, in the change of the way of living and in the psychosomatic frustrations is considered. The notion of "good watch" as the indicator of the intellectual capacity of the person and its special talents is introduced.
Abstract 1
Global Biological Clocks of the Evolution
B.J. Tsukanov
Scientific Centre of Psychology of Time Odessa National Mechnikov University
Global biological clocks (GBC) exist indeed. They are counting out evolution
time from the moment of life generation on the Earth. Primary task of GBC is
the co-ordination of circadian live system rhythm during evolution with the
deceleration of rotating the Earth around its axis. Interval of deceleration
is known and it is 0,0015 sec for 100 years. The co-ordination of circadian
rhythms of pre-kembrius period life representatives is characterised by the
step К=1,728 10^9. So, for instance, on the interval of 3К = 1,728 10^9
years from "zero point" (1950 year, conditionally) it is mentioned the sharp
increase of aerobic procariotus number. At the point 2К = 1,15 10^9 years
there is a transition from fermentation to breathing and sexual duplication
(known as "Paster’s point"). At the point K = 576 10^6 years (beginning of
Kembrius) two events are noted: a) great death before the beginning of
Kembrius; b) "explosive" beginning of skeleton revolution.
From this point GBC move to "speed" run of co-ordination of circadian
rhythms of the Earth. All known sharp evolution leaps are completely
co-ordinated with periods Т= (1/2) ^n*K, wheren=0,1,2,3,... So faunas
“explosion" on the land corresponds with the interval of 1/2 К=288 10^6
years from "zero point". Appearance of land floral plants and sharp increase
of mammalians is fixed on the interval (1/2)^2*K = 144*10^6 years. Beginning
of "great Mezzo death" (instant disappearance of dinosaurs) is fixed on the
interval (1/2)^3*К=72*10^6 years. Other evolution leaps are also
co-ordinated with the scale of (1/2)^n*K. The last leap at the point
(1/2)^14*K=35* 10^3 years has fixed an appearance of modernperson -
kromanionus. We explain the presence of leaps and sharp changing the life
forms in evolutions as a universal mechanism of circadian rhythm phases
resetting to the lengthening of light and darkness periods within the
deceleration of Earth rotating. This mechanism of GBC has become a main
factor of evolution of eucariotus. It has defined sharp leaps of the life
forms in different eras and periods known from the palaeontology. The
mechanism of phase resetting has exactly defined a reserve of life duration
of different types of animals in GBC during the whole evolution period.
Beginning from kromanionus, a person has got a possibility of flexible phase
resetting with the reserve of 8 more hours of Earth rotating decelerations
around its axis. This reserve allows to forecast mankind’s life duration
for approximately 1,9*10^9 years. The volume of article is 15 pages, it
contains onetable and one picture.
Abstract 2
Time as a Factor in Cardivascular Disease
Tsukanov B.J.
An approach is suggested for creating typology of subjects prone for
cardivascular disease. A subjective meaning of individually perceived time
unit – ? type has been taken as an index. Representative sample study has
shown that two -types of patients “prefer” to have ischemia disease: those
with ?-type from 0,94 sec to 1,0 sec and with ?-type from 0,8 sec to
0,86sec. Differencies in critical age points have also been noted.
Key words: individual, perceived time unit, range, critical age points,
cardivascular disease.
Abstract 3
Psychogenetic Regularities of Individ Type
Reproduction in Typological Groups
Tsukanov B.J.
The results of population study of individual type reproduction in
typological groups are given. ?-type of parents and their children was
studied on random sample of 50 families. There are three tendencies of type
reproduction according to mother’s values in continuous spectrum of ?-types.
The process of reproduction in four typological groups is intermittent and
ensembles swing of the pendulum.
Abstract 4
Quality of the “Internal clock” and the Problem of Intelligence
Tsukanov B.J.
An attempt was made to approach the problem of intelligence by evaluating
the quality of “internal clock” as an index of intellectual endowments. A
correspondence was traced between individual’s intellectual qualities and
the precision of the “internal clock” of different samples of subjects –
scientists and students (high abilities to learn) and oligophrens. The
highest precision was found to be in the group of scientists. In
schoolchildren with low academic achievement and oligophrenies, a different
degree of decrease in precision was observed. It is concluded that the
characteristics of subjective time course can be regarded as one of the
indices of intellectual endowments.
Key words: intelligence, endowments, abilities, ?-type”, “good” clock,