The method of equal marks by contrast with fundamental method of psychology.
What is novelty in the method of equal marks? What is the news? Crux of the matter is that there take track or impressions from continuum of subjective intervals, which seems equal on subjective scales in representation to objective scales. With that, the scales can be as much as you like. However, is not basic difference with classical approach to the matter Fechner G.T. and Stevens S.S. There is opened contrasting with Fechner’s and Stevens’s approaches into object of research. The physical irritant is necessary to their experiments. The approach with method of equal marks demands a pure space as the place for cast impressions. In other words, the method of equal marks has as condition to throw out the subjective scales on objective scales. The physical irritant must exclude or eliminate in the method of equal marks. Here is yet one condition for method of equal marks. The performed marks must be concealed and unable to been used or seen for testing person. After experiment all marks must be easy of access and analysis. That than subject mark such or other space mustn’t has any prompting or objective signs, indicators, tokens for subject. All from subject. Here is an example compound marking sound’s space: it is any musical performance without notes by ear. Fechner G.T. and Stevens S.S. made unforgettable progressive breakthrough and it was been appreciated with the greatest judgments. The reverse method is the method of equal marks. In addition to studying subjective time, method has potential worth if that method will have applied to all known perceptive spaces (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) and emotions.