The spell over psychology
The spell that was thrown into the people's minds
sounds like that: "To realize what atom is is the
dhildren's game in comparison with what children's
game is" - Albert Einstein.
The magic of many years standing effect of such rush
agnostic evaluation is that nobody dears to consider
the central problems in psychology. Therefor we have
got great amount of THEORIES with the absence of
theoretical psychology as such. The opinion made by
this genious physicist had fallen on the rich oil, which
was fertilized wjth the traditionally pre-scientifical
methods of the psychology object description in the
conditions when psychology itself as a branch of
the human cognition was young. It had become a spell
for several generations of psychologists. Under the
influence of this by-the-way utterance and facing
with a really complicated scientifical object,
psychologists began pinching from the science
object and penetrating into investigations. It
has become a tradition. It is however a pathologo-
anatomic method.
Where is this spell situated and how does it display
as a phenomenon? It is in the minds of psychologists,
in their world descriptions, in their consciousness,
in their sence structures, in their impotential attitude
towards the research subject, in the lack of truth in
the possibility of all psychical phenomena description
and penetration in the essence of the phenomena.
There is nearly no truth in the existance of the
psychological laws as such, in the possibility of
the scientific ( as this notion is understood in
the natural sciences) realizing. There is a lack
of courage to introduct new notions, new notional
and categotical apparatus criticus for the psychology
ubject description. These are word explanation schemes
that dominate, or subjectless mathematics. The episodes
are explained, but there is no seeking for the laws,
there are no attemts of describing elementary (and
therefor general) movements in the psychics in the
form of simple mathematical ratios. There is no
orientation on the seeking for the simple and clear
laws, which are true always and for every psychical
phenomenon. That is in turn one of the results of the
Albert Einstein's spell about the complexity of the
psychics as a scientific object that has stuck in the
psychologists' mind.
Realizing of all said above is the first step to the
spell breaking.