The apologies for the given trouble
I present my apologies for the trouble that was given accidentally. It
occurred while searching for psychologists and other people who are
seriously worried about lack of theoretical psychology, for those people who
are sharing our appraisals about the state of psychology which is now on the
level of before Newton's physics, and for those who believe in successful
quest for universal psychological laws which penetrate into the whole
psychic reality. On behalf of SGTP and on my own behalf take our deep and
sincere apologies for possible and for actual troubles given to those who
are not interested and don't like our appeals and suggestions. The Society
of General and Theoretical Psychology is now looking for people who are
ready to share our anxiety caused by an undeserved fact that psychology
occupies a narrow and limited place in the system of natural sciences. The
Society of General and Theoretical Psychology considers that the place for
psychology is among central human sciences and, due to this, it deserves
prior attention, involving the best scientific personnel and adequate
financing. The Society of General and Theoretical Psychology is looking for
people with the same views in the world-wide Internet.
A. Pestov, June 2000
e-mail: [email protected]